Our scheduled exam period is from January 26th to February 1st. A friendly reminder to students that your exams are scheduled and you should be ready to join the exam right at the time that has been shared with them. Students, and parents if students are under 18, were sent a copy of their exam schedule by email. If this email has been misplaced they can access it by logging into their Student Profile from either the Student Guide or our website.
We will once again be offering the technical assistance room via Zoom for students during the exam period. Information is posted in the Student Guide.
If a school board calls an inclement weather day (snow day) this does not apply to the VLC exams and they will continue as scheduled.
If you lose internet access during an exam please immediately contact our office via telephone (705) 328-2925 and press zero to access our receptionist. If the line is busy please leave a message.