E-learning Credits

Hello VLC Families, 

As many of you are aware, high school students are now required to earn two e-learning credits as part of their graduation requirements. With the new requirements set by the Ministry of Education, we believed that our courses would count towards this requirement. We have recently learned that the Ministry of Education has determined that any on-line courses with synchronous time (on-line meetings with a teacher) do not count as e-learning credits. As such, VLC courses will not fulfill this graduation requirement.

All students are still eligible to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) by completing the opt-out of e-learning form that will be sent to graduating students today and all remaining students next week.

I am going to graduate in June 2024, what do I need to do?

Students who are 18 need to complete the opt-out form themselves. 

Students who are under 18 need to have a parent/guardian sign the opt-out form. This must be completed by Wednesday, June 12th at 10am. If we do not receive the form students will not be eligible to receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. 

Can I still graduate without completing the two e-learning credits?

Yes, as long as the opt-out form is completed. It is important to note that the opt-out form will be required each school year you are registered with VLC.

Will opting-out affect my entrance to Post Secondary?

No, opting out of e-learning will not affect your entrance into post secondary education.

What if I have taken e-learning courses?

When you complete the form, if you believe you have completed courses that will meet the requirement, select that you want to opt-in, and a note box will be provided where you can give us details about how you have earned the credits or will earn the credits. This information will be reviewed by our office. Further information may be required. 

What if I have not taken e-learning courses?

If you have not taken asynchronous e-learning courses elsewhere, you have the option of opting-out of this graduation requirement. 

If I have already taken two e-learning courses, do I need to complete this form?

Yes, if you have already completed two e-learning courses (outside of your VLC courses) then you need to complete the opt-out form to let us know where you have achieved these credits. 

Will this show up on my transcript that I opted out?

Yes, your transcript will indicate if you have earned the e-learning credits or if it is non-applicable (you have opted out). This does not show on your diploma. 

Earned e-learning credits 

Opt-out of e-learning credits

Virtual Learning Centre

230 Angeline St. South
Lindsay, ON. K9V 0J8
Telephone: 705-328-2925
Fax: 705-878-8891

© Virtual Learning Centre 2020