2022-2023 Registration

It is that time of year again! Registration will open on March 30th at 10am. We are getting ready for course registration for the 2022-2023 school year. There will only be a single registration for the entire academic year.

Important: a full timetable consists of 8 credits in the school year.
Please note, grade 12 students may not require this many credits to meet their OSSD requirements.

Please review our website’s FAQ, Students Services and Registration Information sections as there is a wealth of information there including how to apply and the support documentation that will be required.

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Semester 2 Start Up

Students will be loaded into courses and provided a copy of their timetable on Friday, February 4th by 3 pm. On the 4th students will be able to see the Student Guide and begin working through the content in this Guide. They will not be able to access their courses yet.

On Monday, February 7th at 7:30 am students will be able to access all of their courses. We will begin classes on Monday, February 7th so students who are scheduled for Monday classes should be prepared to log in at the scheduled time.

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Semester 1 Exams

I hope that you all had a restful break and are ready to make that final push to the end of semester 1. We are going to be moving ahead with exams and final tests. I have included a link to some common troubleshooting tips with Proctorio. We encourage students and families to review it prior to exams. Please note that if a student does not complete their final test/exam then they will not earn the credit. 

We have also created a sample test that students can complete as many times as they like. We highly encourage students to attempt this test an hour before each of their exams starts to ensure everything is up to date and working. Teachers will be requiring students to complete a test leading up to the exam using Proctorio to ensure students are comfortable with using Proctorio prior to their exams. 

Proctorio troubleshooting link

Just as a reminder, students were sent a copy of their exam schedule by email. If this email has been misplaced they can access it by logging into their Student Profile from either the Student Guide or our website. 

The last day to hand in overdue work is January 14th at noon. Students who have independent study units (ISU) or culminating tasks may have deadlines after this date and must adhere to those deadlines. 

I know that this has been another busy semester and I am so proud of our students who have been working extremely hard. I know our program asks a lot of our students but it also prepares them very well for what lies beyond high school whether it be the workplace, apprenticeship, college, university, or something else. Our students are outstanding and we are very proud of them!

Mr. Cadeau-Mark

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January 3rd Update

The Ontario government has ordered all publicly funded schools in Ontario to temporarily move to remote learning and thus Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB)

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Winter Break

As we approach the end of 2021 I would like to thank you for the flexibility that you have demonstrated as we have all adapted to the impacts of COVID-19. This has been a very challenging year for all of us and I encourage you to find ways to take time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate over the break.

Reminder to everyone that the school will be closed from December 20th to December 31st. We will be responding to email and phone messages throughout the week of January 3rd.

On behalf of the entire staff at the VLC, I would like to wish everyone a warm and relaxing winter break. I hope that each of you are able to connect with family and friends in a safe manner over the break. We look forward to seeing everyone back on January 3rd.

Jeremy Cadeau-Mark

Principal of eLearning

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Virtual Learning Centre

230 Angeline St. South
Lindsay, ON. K9V 0J8
Telephone: 705-328-2925
Fax: 705-878-8891

© Virtual Learning Centre 2020