Does the VLC offer clubs or extra – curricular activities for students?

The VLC offers a large range of extra-curricular activities to enhance the experience of students and to build a school community.

We have a strong Student Council whose role is to build the school community and provide opportunities for students to voice opinions and recommendations to the Principal.

Clubs range from our student newspaper, the VLC Gazette, to clubs such as environment, chess, and debating.  Special interest clubs are formed as needed such as the Doctor Who Club.

All clubs are monitored by a member of the VLC staff team.

Competitions are run by our Student Council to enhance school spirit and to raise awareness of societal issues.

Clubs vary from year to year with student interests.

Virtual Learning Centre

230 Angeline St. South
Lindsay, ON. K9V 0J8
Telephone: 705-328-2925
Fax: 705-878-8891

© Virtual Learning Centre 2020